Life Matters - March 16, 2022
From the Great Reset agenda: “Rutger Bregman, author of Humankind, explodes an even more deep-seated myth (than basic assumptions about capitalism) that humans are intrinsically selfish, uncooperative and aggressive, and without the civilizing influence of governments and leaders, order would soon break down and chaos reign. His research of over 200,000 years of human history shows that we are in reality, hardwired to be kind, cooperative, and caring. But we run our countries, civic institutions, companies, schools, often even our families based on this deeply negative and incorrect assumption about human behavior.”
Somehow Bregman has (tongue in cheek) inside information on 194,000 years of human emotions preceding the 6,000 years of recorded human history available to us mere mortals. I suppose the toughest obstacle to his research was not his imaginative mind but the stubborn facts that kept staring him in the face. Facts, in fact, have no respect for imaginations no matter how ingenious they be.
You would do well, as well, Mr. Biden, to remember that facts are no respecter of persons, even if that person is the President of the United States of America. Mr. Biden, it was your decision on day one to cut off the energy independence gained by the policies of your predecessor. It was your decision that allowed the humanitarian crisis at our southern border by reversing the policies of your predecessor. It was your decision to keep pushing for vaccine mandates, the muzzling of school children and the firing of unvaccinated essential workers after many had endangered their own lives while caring for the sick, etc. Your actions, Mr. Biden, do not seem to be from one who is leading with the best interest of Americans in mind. I have a vivid imagination and could imagine a lot of things, but I think it best to stay with what I believe to be true from evidence and the Word of God. And I know for sure that humans are intrinsically selfish, uncooperative and aggressive and without the civilizing (assuming they are civilized) influence of governments and leaders, order would soon break down and chaos reign. But, Mr. Biden, there is a superseding way to have order. As John Adams said of the U.S. Constitution upon the signing of that venerable document, “This Constitution has been written for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” The best way is for each individual person to have the inner guide of the Holy Spirit of God. Governments are ordained by God for the order and protection of societies within their borders and its best citizens are those who heed the guidance of God’s Word and appreciate the orderly influence of those in government office who strive for law and order. Civil law and order, however, marks the boundaries of jurisdiction for earthly governments. God is ultimate in knowledge, wisdom and authority and has, by His knowledge, given us the history of mankind, including how sin has separated us from Him. He has, in His wisdom, given us a way back to Him. Through the life, death on the cross, resurrection, ascension and intercession of His Son, Jesus Christ our Savior. He has ultimate authority over you, me, and all of us together. Facts are stubborn things.
When you were sworn in as President, Mr. Biden, you promised to uphold the U.S. Constitution, but you seem rather to be in the clutches of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda. Outspoken promoter and author of The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, saw COVID as an opportunity and had this to say about it, “The pandemic presents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, re-imagine, and reset our world.” Mr. Biden, COVID fearmongering, race-baiting, and climate change force-feeding do not have our best interest on His mind and in His heart. That includes you, me, and all of us together. Life Matters!