Life Matters, June 21, 2023
What is a woman? Matt Walsh’s dynamic documentary film has rocked the far-left world to such a degree that they are loath to even barely mention it, much less in positive terms, lest the question garner “too much” attention. After all, even a Biden appointed U.S. Supreme Court “Justice” cannot coherently answer that formerly simple question made complex by the LGBTQ+whatever else community.
How did we even get here? I suppose we could blame it on Sigmund Freud who imposed, and goes on imposing, his views about “sex and aggression” sparking the decades later “sexual revolution.” I suppose we could blame it on the first ever birth control methods brought into the national spotlight by Planned Parenthood that included abortions. For the first time ever “the loving instinct,” as Elon Musk put it, could feel momentarily gratified without the responsibilities of reproduction. Or, shall we blame it on the evolving ideas about the origin of species not being from God at all, but the result of some primordial soup exploding somewhere in the regions of outer space untold millions of years ago from which the fittest have been surviving ever since and so ideas are right when they feel right? Perhaps we should blame the present gender-confusion on the influx of those evolution ideas into learning institutions and the fields of science. Or perhaps on the “outflux” of Bible reading and prayer from those same learning institutions? Maybe we should blame it on Timothy Leary, who from his authoritative seat of “Doctor,” encouraged experimentation with psychedelic drugs during the 1960s hippie era and popularized the phrase to “turn on, tune in, and drop out” in ‘66 and ‘67. Maybe the hippy movement itself with its recreational drug use, fornicating misnomered as “love,” and wanderlust as being a “free spirit” is to blame for this veering off the path of God’s blessing? Perhaps they led us here? Maybe rebellious Rock & Roll songs such as AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell” “bumped” this country onto the “broad way that leads to destruction.” (Mt. 7:13) Maybe we can say it is the continued mad rush after temporal “pleasures” such as mindless party flings, wild concerts, infidelity with resulting fatherless homes, pornography and such like distorted unfaithfulness? Or perhaps we should lay the blame at the moving feet bearing the sensual crooning of “the king of Rock & Roll”? Or maybe the problem is the political arena with its many-faceted problems? Perhaps Joe Biden is to blame with his outspoken support for the gender-confusion of Romans chapter one where God’s response means our President is a fool? (Rom. 1:22)
The painful answer to those questions (Genesis 3:18, Matthew 7:16) is that all the above are merely symptoms of an over-arching problem. The thistles have flowered, their seeds have matured into the familiar powder puffs, they have been dislodged, are now floating, driven with the winds of deception, coming to rest on the earth and many are spreading out the tendrils of their roots to begin the cycle all over again in the devil’s attempt to engulf the “field of the world” with an ever-increasing sin problem, which he doesn’t see as a problem at all but rather as victory on his part.
And that, my dear friends, brings us to the crux of the problem. In Ephesians 6:11, God gives us instruction on being prepared for spiritual battle; “Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” In verse 12, He tells us why; “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkenss of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” The answer to “how did we get here?” then is quite simple. We (as in a nation) have been laying aside the spiritual armor described for us as we read on in Ephesians chapter six; The armor of Truth, of Righteousness, the Gospel of Peace, of Faith, Salvation, God’s Spirit, God’s Word and of Prayer. Let us, individually and corporately, put on the whole armor of God again, or for the first time. And if we have it on, let us keep it on. We have, and will have, need of it. “Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?” (I John. 5:5) God’s questioning Answer is profound in its simplicity. Life Matters!