Life Matters, July 14, 2021
"I smell a skunk," has meaning because we associate that exclamation with a peculiar spray from a certain black and white kitty.
Ever since a youthful group of picketers in Sioux Falls hollered and screamed "Racist! Racist!" at me for not tooting my horn(?) as I approached a certain intersection, I have wondered at the loose definitions of "racist,” “white supremacy,” “systemic racism," and "Jim Crow laws" the Left, including a certain someone and company, is so pseudo-virtuous about? And I say "pseudo-virtuous" because when almost everything we disagree with is "racist," akin to every disagreeable smell becoming a "skunk" then the attempt to warn others finally falls on the deaf ears of those who know better, and the person giving the outcry looks more and more like a prankster or like a person trying to appear virtuous rather than actually caring about anything. Has mask-wearing fallen into this category? I think it has.
But I digress. ls there a method to this madness? I'll give my discernment for a better one but, yes, methinks there is. And I wish I could say there isn't. But it is too organized. It is too pointed. I keep hoping Biden doesn't know what he's doing because if he does know, then; and I'll still give my discernment for a better one; we have a dangerous man at the helm, who, through overreach and false accusations, is attempting to crowd us toward demagogic slavery. And if he doesn't know what he is doing? That is small comfort because if he doesn't know, then he has someone or some others crowding him to push their agenda attempting to reach the Godless goals of Marxism.
When it comes to racism, I tend to agree with Senator Tim Scott, who in his State of the Union Address rebuttal and speaking about race, said, "The Dems want the issue more than they want the solution.” The issue of race has served the Dems well as they have broadened their voter base among minorities through what appears more and more like pandering and virtue signaling.
One of those loosely(?) organized means used to pander and virtue-signal is the movement of Woke. And it appears more and more as if the Wokeians really do have a compilation of doctrines, its title being Critical Race Theory (CRT). I was rather startled to discover that one, if not the major tenet of CRT, is that "color-blindness" is non-existent, that everyone sees everyone else through the lens of race and color. Therefore if anyone claims "color blindness" they are actually proving that they themselves are only trying to cover up their own “racism.” I think I smell a skunk! Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., longed to see the day when his children and all Blacks would no longer be judged by the color of their skin, but be appreciated for the strength of their character. Admittedly imperfect, his movement was a historical success. What is the point in trying to resuscitate the Jim Crow era while speaking out against it? Of ignoring the humanitarian crisis at our southern border after being pseudo-virtuous against "kids in cages?" Is it a bumbling attempt to broaden the voter base of the Left? Do I smell another skunk?
Through natural law, God has woven a discipline into the fabric of nature that is impossible to totally ignore and personally advantageous to be aware of. Let us be aware and pray for our leaders, yet be also keenly aware of, and let our ultimate allegiance be to Jesus Christ, our King of kings and Lord of lords. Whose love for us is a sweet-smelling savor to our Father God. (Eph. 5:2) Life Matters!