Life Matters, February 23, 2022

“Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!” That battle cry from Karl Marx to the workers of the world to unite and rise up against capitalism in support of a new socialist “utopia” has now come full circle as rolling truck wheels sang the song of freedom rolling across Canada to its capitol city of Ottawa. The “small fringe minority with unacceptable views” swelled and keeps swelling to other cities and other countries as socialism and capitalism clash again.

But the tables have turned. This time truckers, workers essential to North America and other world economies, have risen up against repressive regimes attempting to shut down or control people through vaccines and hence control an economy that depends on capitalism and by extension, depends on freedom loving truckers. It seems socialism has hypnotized the liberal left-wing parties the US, Canada, and many other parts of the world into boarding the runaway train of climate change and now COVID restrictions as the vehicle whose manifest destiny is an elite master-class ruling over their “ignorant” constituents. The handsome guy with asinine policies north of the border who called the Freedom Convoy of truckers “the small fringe minority with unacceptable views” is attempting to break the back of freedom, whether he knows it or not. Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, needs to stay out of his “chicken house” and let the demonstrators sound their opinions as they quiet their horns. The Canadian Charter is, after all, patterned after western democracy. Trudeau’s attempt at Authoritarianism, instead of dialogue, is an undermining of the democracy he professes to uphold. Meanwhile, the truckers of Canada have erased any doubts we may have had about the willingness of Canadians to sound the alarm against the encroaching Marxist philosophy and resulting second great contradiction of itself, forcing its people forward on the narrow path to “Utopia.” Its very force denies its goal.

My whole family had COVID early on. At least we think so as we collectively lost our senses. Our senses of taste and smell, that is. And were very exhausted for a week or more. We had prepared by building up our immune systems with herbs and vitamins. Had we gotten worse we would have stepped up our intake and kept on soaking up as much sun as possible. Since then we have acquired some Ivermectin. Our son-in-law, as well as others, took Ivermectin upon getting sick and experienced fast recovery afterward. Why doesn’t this remedy and monoclonal antibodies get more attention from those “leading the charge?” Or is “muddle” the word? I have painfully come to believe that this has become more about portions, power, and money than it is about our actual health. What about natural immunity? I don’t know much, but I do know that we have been exposed to COVID since that first bout in Spring of 2020 and seem to now be immune as we’ve not had it the second time. Hopefully we won’t. But in the meantime we have a life to live. We may as well be surrendered anyhow to the unalterable fact that none of us are going to escape this world alive. We need to use common sense and care for the sick and vulnerable, while doing what we can for healthy immune systems, eating right, and staying active. Which means we can’t live in a bubble. The bubble, after all, might well become our coffin.

Dr. Fauci, our POTUS, and the PM of Canada could, I am quite certain, learn a lot from the Amish of my home stomping grounds, Lancaster County, PA. As a community, these illustrious people decided to run the risk of contracting COVID rather than run the risk of social, economic, and spiritual isolation and devastation. SO they took the less damaging risk; that of getting sick with COVID. By May of 2021 they had reached “herd immunity.” They are as healthy as anybody and life in this small farm and business community goes on much as it has for many generations. They are immune to more than just COVID. They are also immune to the fear mongering tactics of the liberals. For them is not about positions, power and money. It is about faith and right living. As I said, Dr. Fauci, our POTUS, and the PM of Canada…

I think it’s time we all leave this aimless, pseudo-virtuous muddle and get back to faith, right living, and good health practices.

“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6:20) Life Matters!


Life Matters, March 2, 2022


Life Matters, February 2, 2022