Life Matters

The theory of Evolution has been devastating to the knowledge of God, to faith, and of coming into His Holy Presence. “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.“ (Hebrews 11:16) Jesus has promised that the true seeker will find. (Matthew 7:7-8) God created the first man and woman, in the beginning of the book of Genesis, by forming man from the dust of the ground—in His own image. And then God did something very special. Something very personal. Into that lifeless form that he had created in His own image, God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.“ (Genesis 1:27 and 2:7) We have been created to be one with God. We are religious by nature and have a spiritual void deep inside of us that only God can fill, and without that filling nothing ever satisfies. At least not for long. God left his impress upon us and unless He Himself fills that impression it remains empty and void. But with His filling? Yes! Here is fulfillment, here is satisfaction, here is inner joy that transcends any earthly circumstances—for here we are at peace with our Heavenly Father and have a deep settled rest in our souls.

We cannot earn this relationship, it is priceless. But there is a cost. The cost of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Like the prodigal son who came home to his father with nothing to offer but himself, so we are to offer ourselves to God. And when God receives us, we know we have found home. This simple cost of our heart, soul, mind, and strength has brought many a seeking soul home to the Father. It has also caused many others to stumble, to give up, to seek some other way to fill that spiritual impression God has impressed upon our hearts and minds. Has it not?

Enter the Theory of Evolution. A theory that has for so long been taught in our learning institutions as fact that it has taken on tenets that are religious in construct and nature. If we are to believe evolution, and not God, is the reason we are here, then there is nothing to really separate us from the animals, except possibly stronger emotions and instincts, and reasoning powers. In reasoning powers especially we are far better fine-tuned than the animals. If then, we have evolved from the same ancestral goop as the animals, and our reasoning powers, our instincts, and our emotions make us better than the animals, should we not trust our reasoning powers, our instincts, and our emotions to continue to make us better and better as we continue to evolve?

What this evolutionary reasoning does not take into consideration is the impress of God upon our spirit and soul. The impress of His presence. And the fall of man into sin. And the restoration of oneness and fellowship with God, through Jesus Christ. And God’s word, the holy Bible. Since the Darwinian descent of mankind, from being made in the image of God to be made like unto four-footed beast and creeping things, we have had many governments and religions claim to “follow the science” while they grope in darkness. And now we have woke. But God…


Life Matters - May 26, 2021