Life Matters, October 20, 2021
Some genius has described the difference between involvement and commitment as being like a ham and egg sandwich; the chicken was involved but the pig is committed. The chicken laid its egg and went on its cackling way, the pig isn't going anywhere; the pig was in it for good! Commitment to Truth should be that way—it demands more than our involvement—it demands our full and undivided commitment to it. "Heaven (sky) and earth,” Jesus said, "will pass away but my Word shall not pass away.” Truth is stable, rock-solid, sure. In that respect, is not going anywhere, though it is active, ever moving, in conquest and conquering lies and falsehood. Truth is not passive, it is active and our commitment to it should be like the pork in the sandwich, all in, no turning back.
Lies and falsehoods can appear passive, and even benevolent, while getting established, but once dug in and supported, lies and falsehoods become militant in attitude and the attempt to gain ground is forced. We need look no further than the Bible for an understanding of the need to stand for Truth in the midst of lies lest we also become flotsam on the downstream current toward destruction. But as we allow the Truth of the Bible to reflect upon the wranglings of men and kingdoms here on the earth, the lies and falsehoods can at times feel overwhelming. And it is in the "overwhelming" that courage is put to the test. "Courage is almost a contradiction in terms,” said G.K. Chesterton. "It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die.” Desiring to live, yet ready to die. What a beautiful description of courage! When a person desires to live and trembles at death our sympathetic feelings may well go out to him or her, but even our benevolence cannot honestly ascribe courage to such an experience. Nor can we do so when a person hates physical life here and wants to die. Only when we want to live but are ready to die, can we be truly free. Being truly free by having a clean conscience before God, our sins washed away by the blood of Jesus as we brought them to Him in all honesty and contrition. It takes courage to face the enemy within, but it is there, in our heart and mind, that lying and falsehood need first rooted out and Truth established in and through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through the Word of God and His Holy Spirit. Truth can be initially painful, but when we love Truth more than we love ourselves we are loving God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength. The glories of freedom and courage become ours. Truth, then, is the bedrock of courage.
Nick Vujicic is a one-of-a-kind motivational speaker. In his book, Life Without Limits, he describes his inner battle with discouragement, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Then also, how, when he faced the Truth of God and His Word, he found Someone (God) that lifted him up, infused him with courage and set his feet upon a Rock. Or, in Nick's case, set his foot upon a rock, because you see, Nick was born with only one foot and since he was also born without legs that one foot is attached to the lower part of his torso. Nick was also born without arms and hands, beyond his shoulders there is nothing there. But the battle within was won, God infused courage into Nick, and in the spirit, where it really matters, Nick is made whole. His physical lack serves to magnify the message. People and things that happen can be encouraging, but it is who or what we consistently turn to for courage that we eventually worship. Let us worship God in spirit and in Truth. (John 4:23-24)
Life Matters!