Life Matters - January 4, 2023

Confusion starts when the lies start dropping, when the lies stop dropping then confusion starts stopping. That little “think-appetizer” restructured from Dr. Seuss surely describes the present “State of the Union” with so much confusion about formerly held and understood absolutes that are actually absolutes still. Just waiting to be rediscovered as we brush aside the lies woven by Darwin, Marx, Wellhausen, Freud, Dewey and others, discovering the gold nuggets of Truth buried under the cobwebs and droppings of lies and time. Too much time. Time lost while the lies kept dropping. Into our learning institutions, businesses, government and, in far too many cases, our homes and churches.  

When Donald J. Trump announced his goal to “drain the swamp” in D.C., I appreciated his expressed desire to lead this nation for the good of his country and its citizens, but I confess that I thought of his outcry against corruption in high places as being “over the top” to make a point. But no more. As the Russian collusion, and many another hoax has clearly shown, there are people in high places who will stop at nothing to destroy anyone disturbing the comfortable nestlings of settled in swamp-dwellers.  

Whatever it, or they, are, we have now been clearly shown what happens when leaders have no, or very little, interest in the discovery of Truth as a solid, foundational concept that provides equilibrium to an otherwise chaotic world. We are clearly shown what happens when Truth is sacrificed on the altar of convenience and lust to then be “determined” by the pleasure receptors in our brains. By something called “emotional orientation.”  

In all reality “emotional orientation” is the only truth-discerning mechanism anyone has left when the very embodiment of Truth, God Himself and His Word, is rejected or simply ignored. So now it seems we have an entire worldview revolving around the idea that “it’s right if it makes me feel good.” That little maxim has a grain of truth in it for someone who is walking with, and close to, God. But it is an extremely dangerous line to live life by because that same God often sees danger we don’t see and often employs the use of a troubled conscience to get His point across. And a troubled conscience doesn’t feel good. The more and the closer we walk with God for relief and healing, the healthier our faith becomes. And as the faith-champions in Heb. Ch. 11 have clearly shown, those who live by faith do exploits in the kingdom of God. Because to live by faith is to live in reality. God’s Reality. Which is, in fact, the only reality.  

Charles Darwin introduced the idea that all material life is in an evolutionary process - getting better and better – no God necessary.  

Karl Marx formed that same idea into an economic social dis/order with the entrenched claim that God is not only unnecessary, He is a hindrance. “The opium of the people,” is what he called our faith in God.  

Julius Wellhausen introduced those “evolving” ideas of good versus evil into the church, through what is now known as religious liberalism or “higher criticism.”  

Sigmund Freud devised a new way of understanding mankind’s inner self. Through psychoanalysis. Being an atheist, his “understanding” of the human personality had no place for God. For Believers, God is the first premise for understanding ourselves and the world we live in and Freud, then, had no choice but to begin his search in mid-air.  

John Dewey introduced all the above and more into the American public school system. To quote Dave Breese in Seven Men Who Rule the World from the Grave – “Dewy was certainly the strongest voice (in education) advocating a circular philosophy that began with man and ended with man and that paid little attention to the old values in the process of making that circle.”  

Dewey had a profound and lasting impact on American education. Not by openly fighting against God and Christianity, but by subtly undermining and removing the influence of Absolute Truth, The Word of God, exemplified to us in the Person of Jesus Christ. While The Word of God and its Absolute Truth was not, nor ever can be, undermined and removed from this world altogether—much to the chagrin and hatred of the devil and his minions—that same Truth can be obscured by confusion when the lies keep dropping. But, by its very nature, Truth will clean up the droppings of lies. Truth is Immortal. Life Matters! To be continued.  


Life Matters - January 11, 2023


Life Matters - December 28, 2022